Saturday, March 27, 2010

Back in the Shoes

So I laced up the Asics this morning to run in the Dilla Dash. Dilla is short for armadillo. You should have seen the golden dilla on the top of the trophies. This is a picture of my friend and I. This was my friends first 5k. She did awesome. I finished this 5k in 32:49. Two minutes better than the last 5k I ran in October. I have been on a break from running lately. The weather has been gorgeous here lately and I have been playing in the yard with kids, dogs, and chickens. Yes, I have four chickens added to the mix. Chickens are funny. Sydney loves to feed them grass. Greg is fishing in a tournament today with a partner and they came in 3rd place. 3rd place was also where I placed in my age group this morning in the run. Right now both of my children are asleep. It is very quiet here. I am going to rustle up some food of some sort. I am on grocery store strike this weekene. Our freezer is full of stuff that I do not want to waste. Later.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Long time no post. Well the 10k has came and gone. I ran it in 65:55. I was close to my hour goal. It felt good knowing that I can make it at that distance. I don't think that I will ever be a speedy runner. My dad and my oldest daughter went with me. I just enjoy being there doing something positive with my time, instead of shopping or spending all my free time cleaning my house. It is fun to be around different people. You see all kinds at race events.

Since then I ran in a 2 mile fun run at 20:06 and I have managed to take on a full blown sinus infection. Friday night I was very tired and Saturday morning I felt icky. Two ibuprofen later I was lining up for the 2 miles. I knew I could make it for 2 miles and then Saturday night I definitly knew something was not right with my ole self. The doc prescribed shots. One today, one tomorrow, and one Wednesday. At least I am starting to feel better.